Avenue trees

Avenue trees

Avenue trees

Avenue trees not only provide shade in avenues and streets, they also provide cooling in the urban environment which is getting increasingly hotter. Our range of avenue trees is characterised by their uniformity, stem thickness and regular crown shape. Avenue trees are specifically selected for their straight stem and their well-branched crown, which can be used along paths, avenues, entrances and exits and streets. Widely used avenue trees have a narrow ascending crown or are columnar. This is to avoid branches being broken by road traffic. However, to provide plenty of shade for residents, there are a number of varieties in which the crown settles out a little at a later stage.

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Criteria for avenue trees

Criteria for avenue trees

A high-quality avenue tree must meet a number of criteria:

  • A straight stem with a continuous main branch

  • Clear stem height also called branch-free stem length of at least 2.20 metres

  • Branches of regular thickness in the crown

  • Regular branching in the crown

  • A well-branched root system as a result of transplanting.

Support pruning of avenue trees

Avenue trees are regularly pruned during cultivation. This ensures balanced and dense branching of the crown. This leaves open the possibility of raising the crown of the tree further during growth without affecting the shape. That will not be relevant in the first year, but, given their shape and uses, mature trees require a stem height of at least four metres. 

Provided that they are not too irregular in shape, many trees are suitable for use in avenues and wide streets. Because there is usually sufficient room above ground, there are not many restrictions regarding the crown, provided that they have an upright growth habit. Underground the space is often limited, and the presence of pipes, cables, paving and traffic is not ideal for trees.

Suitable trees include: Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo) Carpinus betulus ‘Lucas’ (European hornbeam), Tilia heterophylla ‘Prestige’ (Linden), Ulmus ‘Lobel’ (Elm), Eucommia ulmoides (Hardy rubber tree).

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