Ebben Nurseries | Tree News

Ebben Nurseries | Tree News

Tree News

Leadership change at Ebben Tree nursery

Friday 21 June 2024

Ebben Tree Nursery announces a major change in its leadership. Dirk Ebben, who has played a key role in the company for 12 years, will take over as CEO / General manager from 21 June from Toon Ebben, who has decided to step back into an advisory role.
This transition coincides perfectly with the completion of the last spring pruning. Handing over the pruning shears from Toon to Dirk symbolises not only the completion of an important phase, but also the optimal preparation of the company for further growth and developments.

Climate-resistant design with wadis and a matching range?

Thursday 23 July 2020

Climate change is bringing more and more heavy downpours along with the resulting floods. So it is very important to plant cities in a more climate-resistant way.

Up A Tree tree climbing afternoon for children

Thursday 03 October 2019

Eight out of ten children answer the question ‘what's your favourite way to play?’ with: ‘build a hut, climb or make a tree house’. So Ebben organised a tree climbing afternoon for primary school children on the last day of the school year: Up A Tree. After some handy tips on how to climb higher safely, the children clambered upwards like agile monkeys.

800 trees for 800 years of city rights

Thursday 06 June 2019

For the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the recognition of the city in 2020, Dordrecht has come up with a fantastic gift for its inhabitants: greenery in the form of trees. To mark the year, Dordrecht is planting 800 trees, spread over four projects.

What nectar or pollen values do trees and plants have?

Thursday 16 May 2019

Ecological value is becoming an increasingly important criterium in the selection of trees for public areas. The tree encyclopaedia TreeEbb has therefore added a new functionality that you can now use to search based on the specific nectar and/or pollen value of trees or plants.

Living bridge at Floriade 2022

Thursday 21 March 2019

In preparation for the Floriade Almere 2022, Ebben Nurseries planted fifteen dawn redwoods (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) to become the Netherlands’ first living bridge. In the coming years, the trees will take root and grow thicker, so the bridge can be walked on by visitors of the International Horticultural Exhibition in 2022.

Trees of the world: the most beautiful bark in the world

Wednesday 12 September 2018

The rainbow eucalyptus might have the most beautiful bark of any tree. A person seeing it for the first time probably won’t believe that the colours are natural. It looks more like a class of nursery children have been at work with their brightest paints.

New in the TreeEbb: Compare trees and create mood boards

Monday 23 April 2018



Award for public space with Ebben trees

Tuesday 13 March 2018

On 13 March 2018, the Belgian Public Space Information Point, the knowledge centre that advocates for higher quality public space, awarded the annual Public Space Prize to the city of Mechelen. A prize for good commissioning and pleasant, safe and sustainable public spaces, where the human dimension is central.

Trees of the world: characteristic appearance with healing powers

Thursday 17 August 2017

The dragon tree has traditionally been believed to have magical powers. Its appearance will undoubtedly have contributed to this: its thick trunk supports gnarled branches, which only bear prickly leaves at the ends. The crown forms a beautiful, characteristic symmetrical umbrella shape, a unique appearance among other trees.

Planting of MH17 National Monument

Friday 31 March 2017

On Saturday 18 and Saturday 25 March, 298 trees were planted at the Dutch MH17 National Monument for the victims of the aviation disaster over the Ukraine. The monument symbolises a green memorial ribbon rising out of the landscape. The memorial forest will open officially on 17 July 2017.

Trees of the world: a majestic crown and gigantic aerial roots

Thursday 15 December 2016

The sacred fig (Ficus religiosa), bodhi tree or banyan tree is one of the world's largest and most unusual trees. This fast-growing tree is characterised by its majestic crown and gigantic aerial roots, which give it its recognisable appearance.

TreeEbb also available in the app stores

Friday 17 June 2016

The online tree encyclopaedia, TreeEbb, is available now as a free app for iPhone and Android. Ebben Nurseries launched this app for the green professional world at the European Day of Outdoor Space fair.

NL Greenlabel: unique green designers!

Tuesday 07 June 2016

The sustainable, green business card of the corporate Netherlands - Traveling Ecodome - begins a journey around the world, starting from Amsterdam.

Trees of the world: extraordinary African tree with a strange appearance

Monday 11 April 2016

Its strange appearance makes the Baobab seem to be growing upside-down, with its roots in the air. According to the tradition of the San people, the tree was punished by the gods and thrown to earth from heaven, landing upside down and continuing to grow.

Ebben Nurseries wins Horticulture Entrepreneur Prize 2016!

Thursday 07 January 2016

Ebben Nurseries has won the Horticulture Entrepreneur Prize 2016 for Future Proof Entrepreneurship. A wonderful confirmation that our innovative and sustainable company is recognised and valued.

Ebben achieves ISO 14001 certification

Tuesday 05 January 2016

Ebben has succeeded in achieving ISO 14001 with flying colours and is therefore the only grower of large-size trees in the Netherlands with this certification. In the audit report, Ebben scored particularly well in the following aspects, among others: operationally strong, hands-on mentality, creative and innovative, identification of opportunities, passion and expertise, open organisation with engaged employees.

Great example of urban greenery on Ponte Palazzo!

Monday 13 July 2015

A unique city park has been created on a footbridge in Den Bosch. Beautiful multi-stem Ebben trees tower high above ground level and decorate this unique, green Paleisbrug bridge.

Ebben online TreeEbb: find the right tree!

Monday 09 February 2015

Find the right tree for the right place easily and quickly. TreeEbb - the online tree-finding tool from Ebben - not only offers a wide range of search options through tree characteristics, but also applications and soil conditions.

‘We Are Multi-stem’ book and memory game

Sunday 08 February 2015

With their organic forms, multi-stem trees offer a beautiful contrast in urban environments. In the unique reference work and inspiring memory game 'We are multi-stem' from Ebben Nurseries, green professionals are introduced to a wide range of multi-stem trees and their applications in practice.

Erasmus University Best Outdoor Space 2014

Saturday 07 February 2015

The Erasmus University is the Best Outdoor Space of 2014. Designer Huub Juurlink: "The Erasmus University site is the project I have been most proud of in my career. It was a very rewarding task to redesign the outdoor space."

Trees of the world: The thickest, the tallest, the largest and the oldest tree

Friday 06 February 2015

From a 115.55-metre Sequoia sempervirens to a Mexican cypress with a circumference of 36.2 metres. And from the Sequoiadendron giganteum with the telling name General Sherman to a 9,550-year-old spruce. Trees all around the world continue to impress us.

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