Private Garden, Raeren, Belgium  </br>1.2. Tree Award 1st Prize

Private Garden, Raeren, Belgium
1.2. Tree Award 1st Prize

"With their whimsical trunks, the large trees frame the landscape as it were, creating an interesting effect."
Location: Raeren, Belgium
Contact person: Ebben Nurseries, Marie-Ange Eneman

Know-how to grow

With this project, Exterior and Ebben won first place in the 1.2. Tree Award, a distinction for successful and sustainably developed garden and park projects. The 1.2. Tree Award considers the following criteria:

  • the importance of trees in the project
  • creativity and innovation: how are the trees integrated into the project (new perspectives, uses, creative design, resolute choices, tree choice etc.)
  • balance and determination of the project: harmony, long-term, functionality and sustainability
  • integration with the existing environment
  • technical implementation, craftsmanship

The jury was impressed in particular by the multi-stem Zelkovas, which are planted close to the house and “create a very special effect.”

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